It is very important to make your image sizes smaller without reducing the quality of the image. When the image soize is too large, your pages will take forever to load, and your website becomes too slow. This will result in visitors to your website in leaving without seeing your content. Also Google will penalize websites where page load times are slow. To avoid this, you can easily improve the size and weight of your images without touching a line of code, and without using any graphic software.
In this article we will show you how to create Smaller sized images to upload and use in your website in 3 easy steps.
It is also very important for those viewing your page on mobile devices, as large images will use up their bandwidth, and this will cause visitors to your website to leave. Smaller sized images will open very fast and will improve the overall speed of your page.
Below is a simple method to achieve this without the need for a graphic software, and can be done all online, thanks to a wonderful free site and the beauty of this is that this works for both JPG and PNG images.
1- Go to
2- Open the folder on your computer where you have the images, and select them all, then Drag & drop the images into the box in the website
3- Download the smaller sized images.