Training Courses – We provide different Training Courses upon request, here are some of our most requested courses:

Master the ART of Selling in 6 steps
Up-selling and repeat business
How to speak on the telephone
How to achieve success and meet your targets
Control your Life and your circumstances
How to be a Leader

Our training course cover 3 areas:


Dealing with people

Personality & Attitude.

All course material is written in Arabic and is presented in Arabic.

Each Training day is for the duration of minimum of 4 hours. Some courses or workshop are heavy in material and may run for more than the 4 hours / day.

The Trainer is Mr. Jihad Abou Zeid, a Lebanese national who is an expert and a top professional in sales training and in dealing with clients. He has written many courses and have trained thousands of trainees in the Middle East all based on his long experience in the field. He is Regional Manager for Dynamic Dezyne and a partner. His professionalism and expertise has changed many people’s lives and attitudes through his training and support for sales and marketing personnel.

Training is in the form of presenting the material with live examples, lecturing and direct interaction with all participants, followed by a training workshop and role playing where all participants will take part in groups and as individuals to reenact the principles they have learned.

At the end of the training, every participant will receive a Reference letter for the completion of the Training course they have taken, plus copies of all the course materials they have learned.

By the end of the training, participants will have learned new skills that will increase effectiveness and productivity in the fields of sales, customer relations, Public Relations, handling client complaints and dealing with clients at all levels.

For more information please contact us for a meeting.
Or visit our website